Digital Money: Bit Coin, Cryptocurrencies and the Block Chain - Part 1
Bitcoin? Unless you live on Mars, you've definitely heard of Bitcoin . Its value against other major currencies has exploded this year. It started out trading at $1000-1 Bitcoin and has peaked at $20,000-1 Bitcoin as at the time of writing this Blog post. So what is Bitcoin and why is everyone losing there minds over it? Bitcoin is simply a currency like US Dollars, Chinese Yuan, Zambian Kwacha or Mexican Peso's. Its a medium of exchange for goods and services. Like any currency its value lies in the belief by its users that it has value. It is however different from regular currencies in several ways. Lets break it down, shall we? A Bitcoin (abbreviated BTC ) is a digital currency, meaning it exists as 'data' on a computer[computers] and not in paper or coin form like other currencies. All aspects of the Bitcoin ecosystem are protected/guaranteed by mathematical encryption - hence it is referred to as a crypto-currency . The Bitcoin ecosys